
daily notes for research progress

Posted by Kai Wu on July 2, 2021


1.发现NCEP产品中有North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR) dataset,可考虑后续利用该数据作为驱动WRF的初始场和边界场

2.地表温度数据可以使用 California Irrigation Management Information System (CIMIS)的气温数据

3.在分析WRF-UCM-Chem的时候,城市气温应该使用模式底层的温度而不是2米地温,因为WRF-Chem模块计算的时候用的是grid cell的温度

4.CO is always considered a conservative tracer.

5.夜间大气冷却。在城市地区,因建筑材料的使用白天热量有所储蓄,夜间释放热量导致大气cooling作用有所削弱。此外,城市地区因热量释放导致夜间边界层升高,也对大气夜间cooling作用有削弱(因为cooling作用分布到了更深的边界层中)。 During nighttime atmosphere cools. The energy stored in the building during daytime (what authors call upward ground heat flux, I suppose) reduces the cooling. The higher PBL in the urban simulation will reduce the cooling too because the effect of the surface cooling is distributed in a greater depth than in the no-urban case. The two mechanisms (energy stored in buildings, and high PBL), both reduce cooling. They do not compete they go in the same direction.

6.美国气象数据可通过以下方式下载: Observations are obtained from MesoWest (https://mesowest.utah.edu/), which are available at Mesonet API (https://developers.synopticdata.com/mesonet/).

7.A good introduction flow is as follows: The flow of the introduction section is as follows. First, we point out that urbanization has led to profound modification of the land surface. We then explain how changes in land surface properties can affect regional meteorological fields such as surface and air temperature, wind speed and PBL height. We go on to demonstrate how those changes in meteorology due to land surface modification can in turn affect air pollutant concentrations via different mechanisms. While there are a number of studies that have investigated the impacts of land surface changes on regional meteorology,limited studies have quantified the impact of land surface changes on regional air quality, especially for the Southern California region, which has a history of severe air pollutant problems. In addition, recent studies have made it possible to utilize satellite land surface data in model simulations, which better predict regional weather in urbanized regions, and urban versus nonurban differences. Thus, our study adopts the modified model configuration, and aims to characterize the influence of historical urbanization on urban meteorology and air quality in Southern California.


1.工厂的污染物的排放可以通过EPA的网站下载 Air pollutant emissions from large U.S. power plants are tracked hourly by EPA’s continuous emission monitoring systems (CEMS) database (https://ampd.epa.gov/ampd/).

2.评估自上而下的NOx排放量的不确定性,通过bootstrapping方法来进行评估 In order to quantify the uncertainty associated with the topdown NOX estimates, we use a bootstrapping technique to evaluate the sensitivity of the estimates to the selection of days.In this method, we randomly replace entire daily TROPOMI scenes with scenes from other days. We perform this random replacement 100 times to generate a distribution of estimates around the mean top-down NOX estimates. NOX bottom-up emissions data can be found here: https://www.epa.gov/airemissions-inventories/air-pollutant-emissions-trends-data. Annual CEMS data from power plants can be downloaded here: https://ampd.epa.gov/ampd/.


1.CMAQv5.3中存在一个BCON时间步长的问题——要求输入数据为逐小时的时间步长,因此Mozart2camx得到的6小时一次的边界场无法被CMAQv5.3读取. From Christian Hogrefe (US EPA), any CMAQ version other than CMAQv5.3 does not require BC files to have hourly time steps. CMAQv5.3 did have that limitation but it was addressed in CMAQv5.3.1.


1.Python利用xlrd读取excel文件报错:raise XLRDError(FILE_FORMAT_DESCRIPTIONS[file_format]+’; not supported’). 这是因为xlrd的高版本跟pandas里的支持不对应导致的,通过以下命令降低版本即可: pip install xlrd==1.2.0 boto3


1.当FNL数据因为垂直层更新而导致无法完成连续模拟的时候,可采取如下解决办法: 利用WPS/util目录下的mod_levs.exe程序可以将ungrib出的中间文件移除某些垂直层次使之一致。具体做法是在namelist.wps中添加:

&mod_levs press_pa = 201300 , 200100 , 100000 , 95000 , 90000 , 85000 , 80000 , 75000 , 70000 , 65000 , 60000 , 55000 , 50000 , 45000 , 40000 , 35000 , 30000 , 25000 , 20000 , 15000 , 10000 , 5000 , 1000 /

press_pa就是你想保留的垂直层次(其余的层次会被移除) 然后链接mod_levs.exe到wps目录下,运行: ./mod_levs.exe FILE:2016-05-11_18 new_FILE:2016-05-11_18 再修改&metgrid中fg_name=’new_FILE’即可。


1.Linux下find命令的使用 模板:find path -name filename find /GFPS8p/xyyang/wk -name wrfout_d02_2012-04-30_00:00:00


cdo sellonlatbox,60,160,0,60 IASI_NH3_9yr_AM.nc china.nc


1.关于CMAQ中的SOA yield的解释:
SOA yields vary as a function of time of day because the chemical pathways leading to SOA vary during the day. See the schematic from the v5.3 release notes for a summary of pathways in CMAQ: CMAQ/aero7_overview.md at master · USEPA/CMAQ · GitHub. All those pathways are active at all times of day to varying degrees. You can find the manuscripts documenting SOA development here: https://www.epa.gov/cmaq/how-cite-cmaq#Particle_Microphysics_and_Chemistry. Many of the development papers include plots of typical diurnal variation for each system.


To answer the question of how much temperatures in US cities will change by 2050, we looked at the average summer high and winter low temperatures in 1,000 cities in the continental US, comparing recorded and modeled temperatures from 1986 to 2015 to projections for 2036 to 2065. This offers us the best possible estimate on how much winters and summers will shift from 2000 to 2050.

With help from researchers at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, we built our analysis on the Localized Constructed Analogs data set, which draws on 32 different global climate models. The scenario we examined is known as Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) 8.5, one standardized set of assumptions of humanity’s trajectory in the coming years.

RCP 8.5 presumes that the world will continue increasing energy use at the same rate and in the same forms. It predicts the world will have warmed on average by 2°C, or 3.6°F, by roughly 2040.

There are very legitimate criticisms of RCP 8.5 — that it’s too pessimistic, ignores progress we’ve already made on decarbonization, and majorly overestimates how much coal we’ll burn. But two climate scientists we spoke to, Sarah Perkins-Kirkpatrick at the University of New South Wales, and Kate Marvel at the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, argued it was a realistic scenario for now.

Scientists have also examined the future of the global climate presuming the world takes moderate to aggressive action to curb greenhouse gas emissions. But emissions over the past 10 years track reasonably well with RCP 8.5, so it’s a useful marker, establishing the boundaries of the worst-case scenario for the climate.

We averaged annual temperature and rainfall patterns for 30 years (1986-2015) to establish a climate baseline for cities. This average helps eliminate year-to-year variations in the climate like El Niño cycles, isolating the changes wrought by human activity. We then examined how these cities would warm by 2050, again averaging over 30 years (2036-2065). We limited our focus to the contiguous United States, where we had the best data and the most relevant cities for comparison. (Sorry, Alaska and Hawaii.)

There are some other caveats to this analysis. Temperature and precipitation are just two variables out of dozens that define a climate, so there will be many other shifts, including frequency and severity of extreme weather, that matter to people’s day-to-day lives. “The timing and total rainfall of the rainy season really matter for agriculture,” said Marvel. “What matters for city dwellers is the increase in precipitation extremes.”

The climate data used here is also a global projection that’s been downscaled, so some precision is lost when looking at smaller sections of the planet, like cities.


1.Linux下rename命令的使用 假设在路径C:/下存在多个类似以下的文件名:
file_nall_abc1.txt file_nall_abc2.txt file_nall_abc3.txt file_nall_abc4.txt 现批量去除文件名中的字符串“all”,变成如下形式:
file_n_abc1.txt file_n_abc2.txt file_n_abc3.txt file_n_abc4.txt 只需要用到rename命令,命令行如下:
rename all_a _a file_nall_abc*.txt



注意首先在2个账号的目标路径下分别pwd首先得知各自的绝对路径 然后参考如下命令

scp -r /GFPS8p/xyyang/wk/scp/2018 zhanggq@bsn001:/GFPS8p/zhanggq/FNL/2018

预报场、初始场是相对于数值预报积分而言,比如3月19日00时刻的气象要素值作为数值模式的初始场(即初值),数值模式积分积分12小时到19日12时,得到预报场(即数值预报的结果)。而分析场、背景场是相对资料同化而言,资料同化需要一个第一猜值场,即背景场,这个背景场往往是模式的预报场,而资料同化得到的值是一个分析场,把这个分析场用做初始场去给模式做初值。 简单而言,模式中的预报场可以用来做资料同化的背景场,而资料同化的分析场用来做模式的初始场


  1. wrfout的绘图与shp对不上。原因是读取经纬度的二维数据有问题,在此做一个记录: 原来的错误读法: lat2d = wrf_user_getvar(a, “XLAT”, it)
    lon2d = wrf_user_getvar(a, “XLONG”, it)
    lat = lat2d(:,0)
    lon = lon2d(0,:)
    u10!0 = “lat”
    u10!1 = “lon”
    u10&lat = lat
    u10&lon = lon
    minlat = min(lat2d)
    maxlat = max(lat2d)
    minlon = min(lon2d)
    maxlon = max(lon2d)
    hgt@lat2d = lat2d
    hgt@lon2d = lon2d

2023.7.3 论文写作的注意要点

1、1×1念成one by one

2、北纬10°念成ten degree north

3、对比tropical and extratropical



6、研究:to investigate\to review\to study



9、物理上的意义:physical meaningful





14、慎用that, it等指代用词,因容易指代不明

15、regression of 850hPa wind on/against … 850hPa风场与。。。的回归

Regression of sst onto/against …index 海温场回归。。。指数



18、hPa念成h 帕

19、读书报告一定要有title, authors, journal

20、West Pacific 或 western Pacific East Asia 或eastern Asia South China或southern China

最好用southern China,因为South China



23、changes in strong signal强信号的变化

24、be located in,located用被动

25、be concentrated in,concentrated要用被动

26、冬半年:cold seasons

27、precipitation over 因为降水自上而下

28、present a close relationship 显示有密切关系


30、vice versa反之亦然

31、warm pool不是专有名词,用小写就行。western Pacific warm pool

32、一般不用relate to sth,而是用A is related to B

33、The figure reveals/shows 动词最好不要重复

34、最北端 northernmost position,更靠北more morthward

35、去趋势 without trend

36、衡量前后两句的重要性,如果前面很重要,后面作补充,用in addition,如果两者重要性差不多,可以用on the other hand, further more

37、The Maritime Continent 这里的c可用大写,可用小写

38、such as后面短,前面不用加逗号

39、the …island 岛名字前面都要用the

40、and so on太口语化,一般不用



43、还有其他人可以用and others或et al,如果是物用etc


45、the Walker and Hadley circulations


47、due mainly to 主要由于 due partly to 部分因为

48、尽量避免some,用several, a few

50、 the change in

51、kind of太口语化,不用



54、图的title不看手段,看目的,少写correlation, regression之类的




58、the influence of sth on sth

59、Many previous studies不要many, 尽量简洁,直接用Previous studies


61、devote sth on doing sth

62、A, B, C, and D and前面要加逗号

63、suggest之后不用can/maybe, 因为两者都是虚拟语气


65、tele-connection 一般不用复数

66、开头第一个词不用but, 用However,

67、threshold念“flesh hold”

68、Multi-scale s是小写


70、(the) mid-1940s the可加可不加


72、美国气象学会的用法 Figure 2(a), F要大写,figure要全写


74、Despite that …is 或者 In spite of …

75、 interannual time scales s可加可不加

76、要使段落可读性更强,可以这样写:Figure 2 shows… Figure 2 further shows…



79、outgoing long-wave-radiation (OLR)

80、30-to 80-day

81、the west Pacific/the western Pacific 海洋一般要加the; 但陆地一般不加the 例如Asia, North Asia,Eastern Asia, the Asian continent, North Hemisphere

82、there is easterly wind over the SCS 注意easterly不是名词,是形容词,后面要加wind;或者there are easterlies over the SCS

83、95%置信度检验 95% confidence level 或者 0.5 significance level


Point out\show but\however analyse\analysize put forward\propose in order to\to(较简洁) partly\partically obvious\apparent


1、 be capable of doing sth

2、 facilitate 方便


​ Song YANG/Yang

​ School of Environmental Science and Engineering

​ Sun Yat-sen University

​ 135 West Xingang Road

​ Guangzhou, Guangdong

​ 510275, China

​ 30 August. 2014. (美式)

​ August 30, 2014. (欧式)

To Whom It May Concern:

Dear Sir/Madam

Dear Pro. Yang (美式)

Dear Pro Yang (欧式)

Dear Ms Yang (表示女士)

G.-J. Zhou

G. Zhou


Hi Song,

Hello Song,

Dear Prof. Zhang:


I would appreciate it if you could provide me the information.

If …please contact me at your earliest convenience.

With best wishes

With best regards

Sincerely yours,


Song Yang, Ph.D.

/Professor (如果开头没有介绍头衔)